Inverse Relationship with Type 2 Diabetes
From Chocolate consumption and risk of diabetes mellitus in the Physicians’ Health Study, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 101, Issue 2, February 2015, Pages 362–367, By researchers in Japan: Chisa Matsumoto, Andrew B Petrone, Howard D Sesso, J Michael Gaziano, Luc Djoussé.
Our data support an inverse relation of chocolate intake with incident Diabetes Mellitus (DM), which appears only to apply in younger and normal–body weight men* after controlling for comprehensive life styles including total energy consumption.
For self-reported chocolate consumption and % likelihood versus control / referrent of 100% for no chocolate consumption at 95% confidence interval, adjusted for lifestyle, clinical, and dietary risk factors including total energy intake:
1-3 servings / mo: | 93% |
1 serving / wk: | 86% |
>2 servings / wk: | 83% |
*This study was based on analysis of 18,235 [All Male] Physician's Health Study who were free of Diabetes Mellitus at baseline (1997–2001). Chocolate consumption was obtained from a baseline food-frequency questionnaire. Incident DM was ascertained via annual follow-up questionnaires and validated in a subsample by a review of medical records.
Equivalent Serving Size: unknown based on self-reported data.