Since our launch, we have focused in two distinct areas:
1. Improving livelihoods in cocoa farming communities,
2. Improving health through nutrient-dense snacks.
In 2022, we actively worked with one partner cooperative, COAGRICSAL in Honduras.

New Cacao Purchases - Zero Impact
We did not purchase cacao in 2022. We continued to use [semi-finished] peeled cacao beans imported in November 2020 until we sold out in August 2022.
The Lifecycle of Profit Sharing
Fair Trade, Organic, and Value-Added processing premiums are all tied to the cacao export.
Profit Sharing recognizes the collective value we create (and continue to create) across businesses from farm-to-table. And continues even into years like 2022, where we didn't buy cacao, but still shared profit!
Margins typically increase as cacao progresses through the supply chain, so even a small % of profit from the end of the chain can make a meaningful difference to overall income.
For simplicity, we've taken averages from 2017-2022 (the time period we sold Coagricsal's cacao) for world market, fair trade organic and value-added pricing so you can easily see the impact each step makes.

Profit Sharing
Good King shared 12% of its 2022 Gross Profit (prior to selling out in August) with 13 women co-workers in Honduras.
As with prior years, our women food worker partners met together to discuss their individual investments; reflecting their own choices for improving their family’s quality of life.
This year, there was such a variety of choices, we decided to show you individual choices for the majority of women.
We remain committed to short / clean ingredients lists, all-natural, non-GMO and organic (if growers are certified), allergy-friendly, and plant-based products.
Nutrient Density
Our three new, sweeter flavors continued to grow in popularity vs. our 80% line through 2022.
As their share increased, there was a slight decrease in our overall portfolio health metrics per serving vs. 2021, namely:
- Sugar - 6.2g > 6.5g
- Fiber - 10.0g > 9.6g
- Protein - 2.7g > 2.6g
Even so, we continued to outperform leading dark chocolate brands in all three macronutrient measures by extremely wide margins.


Compostable Packaging Update
In late 2021, we began transitioning our packaging from single use plastic to home & industrial compostable (ASTM D6400 compliant) bags and labels.
In total, 5600 servings were delivered in compostable bags prior to selling out in August 2022.
For the vast majority of our customers, this packaging was preferred. Unfortunately, in the hot humid climates, it did not perform well - especially for our sweeter flavors.
Our goal is to produce snacking cacao in hot, humid farming communities. Therefore, we will continue to search for alternatives to single-use plastic that preserve product quality and maintain long shelf life.
Our end goal has always been to import [finished] snacking cacao and other products directly from farming communities. Transitioning production to origin communities is MUCH harder than anticipated and may not be in line with our partners’ immediate priorities.
We are actively seeking export-ready, origin-based partners to produce Good King Snacking Cacao.
We will continue supporting our existing partners as well as additional cacao farming communities in value-added activities through our new nonprofit, Cocoa Future Collaborative.